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For Instructors: Adding OER

Resources for Lake Land Instuctors

How to Link to Library Resources

If you're thinking about adding Open Educational Resources, don't forget about the awesome Library Resources that you and your students already have access to--we have millions of online articles, ebooks, and videos!  You can use the direct link/permalink feature in the databases to link directly to ebooks, journal articles, newspaper articles, videos, etc., in Canvas, after following the directions below to create a link.  Need a grammar textbook? Check out the books in EBSCO.  Need persuasive essays? Try Opposing Viewpoints.  If you're not sure what database to use, try a search on the Library website and then narrow your search.  We have resources for ALL your subject areas--see a librarian for help finding them.

Make sure you let your library director know if you are using a library resource as a textbook!

OpenAthens Links - Redirector URLs

Sue Nugent has created a course module about what databases are integrated with Canvas. 


In order for your links to all other resources to work off campus you need to add a redirector prefix to them.  For example, to share an article from the library discovery search box, then an OpenAthens link must be generated so that it will work off campus.  Students will be prompted to login with their Laker ID and password, as usual when logging into databases from outside their VM. 

For example, this link to an article:
must be generated to create the link below to work off campus:


All you need to remember is to copy and paste any existing e-resources bookmark links or Canvas links into the OpenAthens Link Generator. The common prefix is, but it's easier to copy your new link from the generator. 


Where to find OERs

Search these sources first -

1. OER Commons - Lake Land College now has a landing page in Open Illinois, a part of the OER Commons.  Open Illinois is an initiative of the Consortium of Academic and Research Library in Illinois (CARLI)--we are a member of CARLI.  On the Open Illinois page, you can explore by subject or scroll down to see links to other colleges and explore what OER they are using. For instance, the College of Lake County is using several OER textbooks---Psych, stats, Public Speaking, Reading/Writing, Intro to Sociology. Open Illinois began in October 2021 so not all OER has been entered into the site yet, but this is a great initiative to gather all the OER used in Illinois in one spot!

2. OpenStax - from Rice University and funded by Gates initially, this is one of the most respected providers of OER

3. Open Textbook Library - from University of Minnesota. The Lake Land College Library is a member of CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois. CARLI is a member of the Open Textbook Network, along with prestigious universities like Brown, Clemson, Purdue, Rutgers, Drexel, Iowa State, The Ohio State, NC State, and many more. 

4. LOUIS - The consortium in Louisiana who received a U.S. Department of Education grant to create open textbooks. Their project was to create resources for dual enrollment courses. Many of their projects were published recently (dates on their Pressbooks site are day/month/year). Includes Intro to Dance, Medical Terminology, Bio, Chem, Speech, Comp 1 and 2, and many more!

4. Don't forget you can also type "criminology oer" into Google!