The Lake Land College Library provides a people-focused, effective learning environment that offers access to outstanding resources and knowledgeable staff in order to meet the lifelong educational needs of the diverse communities we serve.
Contact us via email, phone call, or in-person! Chat services will be available soon.
Circulation Desk (Checkouts, Renewals, Equipment)
Librarian (Research Help, Instruction)
Library Director
Cataloging/Acquisitions (Purchasing)
Excellent customer service is our top priority and we strive to create a rewarding library experience for our students, staff, and community members. Library staff are committed to providing outstanding service based on respect and empathy for the diverse backgrounds and needs in our community. We work as a team to provide helpful, reliable, and consistent service. Our goal is to assist you in any way we can in your pursuit of information and enrichment. In our effort to make each experience the best it can be, these principles guide our actions:
We also follow the Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers by RUSA, a division of the American Library Association
The Library is located in the center of the Lake Land campus in the Virgil H. Judge Learning Resource Center. The Library provides access to more than 18,000 books, as well as online access to millions of magazine and journal articles. We also have legal, business, biographical, and newspaper resources, and over 300,000 popular and scholarly e-books. To get started, visit the library website at In addition to local resources, the Library provides direct access to the collections of more than 450 libraries in central and southern Illinois through SHARE, a shared online catalog system. Students may also search the holdings of thousands of libraries across the country through the WorldCat service. Library services are available to students, faculty, staff, and residents of the Lake Land College district. Students have access to semester-long checkouts of graphing calculators, laptops, and MiFis. Most materials can be checked out for use at home, and telephone and online renewal is available for most items. Student conference rooms are available for student use, and food and drink can be enjoyed in The Second Story, the library’s lounge space on the top floor.
The library is part of Academic Services, and is funded by a portion of the per semester hour student Service Fee.
Library services include reference help, instruction sessions, citation help, course reserves, interlibrary loan, equipment checkout, copyright support , printing/scanning/copying, and more.
Fall/Spring Semester
Mon. - Thurs. 7:30a - 6p
Friday 7:30a - 5p
Summer Semester
Mon. – Thurs. 8a - 5p
Non-Student Attendance Days
8a - 5p
Study Rooms
There are four student study rooms on the 2nd level of the library. Study rooms are to be used for college-related purposes only. Use if empty or reserve one for your study group at the Circulation Desk. Please work quietly, with the door closed. All four rooms have whiteboards. Rooms are reserved in one to two hour increments, up to a week ahead of time. If there are no other reservations at the end of a session, users may continue occupying the study room until it is needed. Ask library staff if you need whiteboard markers or erasers.
Capacities: Room 201 (6 people),Room 202 (6 people), Room 203 (8 people), Room 204 with Smart TV (8 people)
Library Computers (around main floor and upstairs) - 38
JLRC 101 Computer Lab - Seats 24
Library Study Tables and Carrels - Seats 88
Library easy chairs and sofas - Seats 25