1. On your tablet or smartphone, visit Google Play or the App Store and download Cloud Library by 3M. Cloud Library doesn't work with Kindle Paperwhites or the Kindle Apps--Use Libby instead.
2. Once installed, complete the steps above, choosing Illinois Heartland Library System as your library if Lake Land College isn't available.
3. Enter your Lake Land College Library card number when prompted, along with your password. Call the checkout desk at 217-234-5367 if you need either.
Lending Policies: Five items may be borrowed at once. The max checkout period is 21 days. All items can be returned early within the Cloud Library app or via your SHARE library account. Five items may be placed on hold at one time. You may set up email notifications for holds via the Cloud Library app. If a hold isn't checked out within 3 days, it will be passed on to the next user. To remove a hold, visit the My Books area in the app or login to your library account via SHARE. An item may be renewed if there is no holds queue for that item.
Suggesting Items: Within the app, you may view titles that have not been purchased by member libraries. You can do this by selecting Suggestions for Library in the filter menu. Click on the Suggest button next to each item and those titles will automatically be considered for future purchasing.